Pillar Procedure
Chronic snoring disrupts sleep patterns and prevents a good night's rest. It damages relationships. Snoring often is a factor in a more serious condition called obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), which has been linked to health issues such as high blood pressure, stroke, diabetes and heart disease.
Everyone snores occasionally, but chronic snoring may have serious health and relationship consequences. One in four Americans has a problem with chronic snoring. If you're one of the millions of people whose life is disrupted by this condition the Pillar Procedure is a simple, safe and effective treatment that is designed to help you stop snoring and, in some cases, help people suffering from obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). It's a relatively painless procedure that can be performed in a doctor's office in about 20 minutes, using only local anesthetic.
Snoring Causes
Snoring is a noise made by the vibration of tissue in the upper airway, i.e., your mouth, nose and the back of your throat.
One in four people have a problem with chronic snoring and can't stop snoring on their own. On average, the bed partner of a snorer loses at least an hour of sleep every night. Because the partner's sleep is interrupted so frequently, it isn't deep and restful. As a result, they can be irritable, resentful, even unsafe at the wheel while driving. Sleep deprivation can also compromise the immune system and lead to low energy, decreased productivity and muddled thinking. Chronic snoring can even be a sign of a more serious health problem, obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).
Eventually, the lack of sleep can cause the snorer or bed partner to move to a different room. If you're one of the many people who can't stop snoring, be sure to ask your doctor to examine and assess whether the Pillar Procedure is right for you. If your soft palate is one of the reasons you can't stop snoring, the Pillar Procedure may be a great option for you. The soft palate is almost always involved in chronic snoring, but there may be other factors as well, such as blockage of the nasal airway, tonsils and adenoids. Ask your doctor to examine all parts of your upper airway and assess if your soft palate is contributing to your snoring. If your soft palate is a factor, the Pillar Procedure may be an effective treatment option for you, because it stiffens the soft palate to reduce or eliminate the tissue vibration that can cause snoring.
The Pillar Procedure
The Pillar Procedure can be performed as a stand-alone procedure or used in combination with other treatments and lifestyle changes to help patients stop snoring.
During the Pillar Procedure, a doctor places three or more tiny woven implants, which look like tiny soft pillars, into the soft palate. Over time, the implants, together with the body's natural fibrotic response, add structural support to the soft palate and reduce the tissue vibration that causes snoring. The implants also help reduce the tissue collapse that can obstruct the upper airway and cause obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).
The Pillar Procedure implants are made of a woven polyester material that has been used in implantable medical devices for more than 50 years. Patient's can't see or feel the Pillar implants, nor do they interfere with swallowing or speech. Many patients resume normal diet and activities the same day of the procedure.
To learn more about the Pillar Procedure watch the video.
Clinical studies of the Pillar Procedure have shown that:
- Patients experienced a significant decrease in snoring intensity.
- Bed partner satisfaction with the reduction in snoring after the Pillar Procedure has been documented at 80% or higher. Approximately 80% of patients demonstrated a reduction in their sleep apnea hypopnea index (AHI), and results were sustained at one year after the Pillar Procedure.
- Patients experienced less daytime sleepiness and significant improvements in lifestyle after the Pillar Procedure.
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